This lesson profiles a Auditory thinker and explores the hidden subtext . We look at what message a auditory learner needs to takes away from lectures or language based text .
Auditory thinker internalize information as words and phrases . Say you are have to use the london underground . Directions would be be internalized as east on Piccadilly , Then east on the red line .
The implications for short term and working memory are favorable .The evidence suggests that for the ear minded , written language is a god send . You get plenty of practices from an early age . Eye accessing cues during reading are from left to right . The medium of the message is the word and subconscious triggers are already encoded into the text .
In order to improve working and short term memory .Think of the brain as a muscle . If it is going to stay in peak condition. It must be exercised .
Clarify and simplify your thoughts by saying it out loud. Speak publically whenever you can . Use a smartphone to review and rehearse . Practice practice practice . Debate when ever you can . Internalize meta models . BOI [ basic ordering ideas ] .
Think about language the way a lawyer thinks about language . Develop your vocabulary especially synonyms ..Technical language [ jargon ] along with well chosen menu headings and subheadings utilize a principle of engineering called a black box .
Designed to shield engineers from complexity . Chunking information inside black boxes speeds up processing and reinforces memory traces .
When engaged in auditory thinking there is often small rhythmic movements of the body. The head is well balanced and tilted to one side as if listening . Breathing is even across the chest area . Tonality is clear and resonant , gestures to the ears and use of language symbolic of auditory processing .
For the majority of right handed people when trying create a sound , eyes will move across and to the right . When trying to recall , across and to the left. The Eye movement during reading text is prescribed ,left to right . Written text is a natural fit for the auditory thinker style.
Learning Channel : Audio
Sub modalities are identified as the quality of the senses a term first used by Aristotle .
Simply by being aware of these qualities you tune the engine of short term and working memory recall .
Applying sub modalities to a written text , the words/sounds distinction is key .
Shakespearean actors will overlay the text with implicit meaning by altering sub modalities .Churchill , John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King’s pace presentations to leave an imprint on the subconscious mind.
By emphasizing Tone , Volume and Continuity . By stressing the performance . A messages can be hard wired into the subconscious .
Play it again sam – Modeling of musicians who play by ear reveals . Complex auditory memory is bolstered by feelings which anchor context for a detailed image . Finally when playing the music back . A kinesthetic motor action is attached.
Step 1 :The first step attach a kinesthetic anchor by assigning a mood to the piece . Eye accessing cues are across and to the left for most right handers , posture is of someone listening intently .
Step 2 : Interestingly many musicians also report that a visual trace of the music close to notation . When the piece has finished the music is played back usually much faster while retaining original tonality , this time however internally .
STEP 3 : On hearing the music for the second time . The music is broken down to look for repetitive patterns in pitch and tonality .
A percentage of the population when reading a text will subvocalize , resulting in a lead system which is in conflict with the preferred visual system .
Routing information into short term auditory tape loop storage requires constant repetition , initiated through internal dialog . Without repetition short term and working memory is likely to be very weak . The subject will then look to retrieve information from a secondary channel visual memory .
If written text fails to deliver a context. Recall will be patchy . The solution anchor the text by creating then superimposing visual analogies and similes .
A robust model is less vulnerable to inertia , less resistant to change , less likely to be incomplete and less vulnerable to the jigsaw effect . A cognitive trap where you only think you know .In reality you are familiar with the pieces , incapable of intuition , improvisation or short cuts .
The point of language is to communicate , in order to achieve its goal language has to bridge the gap of competing representational systems . The words and phrasing we use in life reflect our representation system .
Rhythm , tone , resonate , monotonous , sound , clear , audible , listen, harmonious , silence , quiet: Vocal , shout , tell , speechless , ring , remark , accent .
Use of language in a statistically significant manner together with speed , tonality , posture and body language should indicate a leaning towards one of the representational systems .
Mental models resemble high level word driven menus with Major and minor subheadings . encoding order and structure .The ability to investigate thoughts using Internal Q&A sessions relies on a strong auditory working memory.
Unlike Eastern language , western script has a phonological base meaning that language is both visual and auditory . The visual aspect of language is a substitution cipher , no logic , no reason . a discrete set of symbols combine into an infinite system . I
The brain’s cortex contains a language module .Which processes these symbols into terms the auditory thinkers can relate to. Words , phases and sentences .
Productivity depends on speed of processing. Which depends on your base span .
Verbal memory is very restricted . Without intervention . Even the academic rockstars can only hold and process 9 items for 60 seconds in working memory before overloading .Fail to process and the house of cards comes tumbling down . In the AT world being fast isn’t everything it’s the only thing