If you are looking at data visualization from a business perspective an execution rather than exploration perspective . I can recommend COLE NUSSBAUMER KNAFLIC book STORYTELLING WITH DATA . These guidelines cover exploration .
– Synergistic Not Analytical
- Divergent not convergent -Good at generating lots of options as opposed to procedural thinker who are good at following set procedure and solving problems by breaking things down , classification and organization . Problem solving depends on how Information is framed . Suggestion To engage. Ask don’t tell .
– Asynchronous
1 – Visual Not Linguistic
- Thinks in pictures not words .-Suggestion video lectures or training for playback – use technology .
- Difficulty following spoken directions . Tip – look away to maintain auditory focus. Don’t be afraid of the mp3 .
- Lecturing – Suggestion a highly visual dramatic presentation style reliant on imagery should be backed up by visual cues and materials .
- Excellent visualizers still need guidance . Still need to develop these skills
- Can’t listen , write and remain engaged .Learns best when seeing .Suggestion encourage shorthand note taking which uses a mixture of pictures and doodles concept webs process and mind maps .
2 – Spatial Not Sequential
- Strong spatial sense , a natural affinity with maps , diagrams and graphs , use where possible to illustrate a point . Suggestion Microsoft office Suite and Google Docs are excellent resources .
- Poor sense of time management and meeting deadlines . Always making last minute organizational adjustments . Suggestion Materials should be condensed . Feedback loops should be embraced as part of the learning process .
- Intuitive problem solvers who reach solutions without any visible steps . Not great at working through things step by step . Attention issues arise when ones own thoughts crowd out the external Suggestions : Preview published materials prior to lecture or training sessions
- Highly sequential presentation of material overload working memory. Everyone loses focus and falls asleep. Suggestion compress material . Stress imagery and use non linear spatial mapping
- Left Eye dominance in right handed people. This leads to all sorts of issues . TIP line up the index finger on a fixed point and close your right eye . If your index finger remains lined up you are left eye dominant
Due to cross lateralization the left eye sends information to the right hemisphere .
Right eyed Right handed . Then you can scan the end of a sentence before you consciously reach the end of the sentence .You have an inbuilt preview, repetition advantage over lefties .
- Don’t make assumptions – Your reader may have been taught sight reading . If language determines our thinking. The way we are taught is significant . A sight reader is going to benefit from a more holistic approach
- Utilize reverse engineering and discovery [role play the detective] based learning .
3 – Big Picture Not Detail
- Context should be ever present it should compressed and visual .
- Develop framework .Locating information in the the larger context is essential
- Understanding is all at once .
- Systems Thinkers – grasp and internalize concepts as a whole with all the parts connected . They need to visualize the system as a whole . Isolated modules are understood then trashed by working memory
- Pattern seekers – The relationships between chunks of information is vital. They bind the cognitive model into one context and not fragments . These are puzzle thinkers .
4 – Ideas not Format
- Not good at rote memorization . Drill practice or repetition does not work well. Suggestion To reduce reps and boredom take a memory course
- Information needs to be meaningful. Suggestion always look to relate materials back to the real world in a concrete way .
- Interested in ideas not detail. Suggestion embrace the flow let google pick up the procedural errors in computation grammar , spelling and punctuation