A working memory quotient predicts grades . You can can think of working memory as a limit on the ceiling of your potential . From a young age we move lockstep with a peer group based on this one shared trait .
Can you really effect change in just a few days ?
Can something so beneficial to adult and child really be this simple to fix ?
Can you really design a course that does not discriminate, that promises significant improvement no matter how smart you are ?
Can you really create a high impact course that effects a permanent change in one of the root causes of ADD , Dyslexia and memory decay in the ageing brain ?
2 Hours
As our stated aim is to replicate smart drugs . Our course has been designed to take no more than 2 hours to complete a first read through After which pupil and or student should be armed with enough knowledge to begin practical training .
Working memory is part of the WAIS IQ test . On average you can look to permanently boost IQ by 7 points when you train you memory in clinically proven transferable techniques
12 days
Is the time you should allocate to rank inside the top percentile for the blind memory span .12 days to effect a permanent transformation . 12 day to change the way you approach all learning . 12 days to put Pestalozzi framework into practice and learn how to think like Einstein . 12 days to change your future .
Is the comparable price for a years supply of the wakefulness drugs Modifinal ,Adderall and Ritalin cost/ £640-£2,560 per year . While we do not claim to be a complete substitute we offer a viable alternative to 24/7 medication . A set of practices that will last a lifetime. A set of skills that will only improve with time
According to an academy of medical sciences report ‘Just a small 10% improvement in memory will have a significant impact on A levels , college admissions and degree performance for everybody’
This bundle consists of our Mentoring Course , Online Profiling Service [ plus appendix materials ] and WORKING MEMORY TRAINING SOFTWARE [ suitable for all ages ].Please note – Our software is zipped . Zone alarm unlike windows defender or Comodo may not be able to scan the contents . What it can not scan it marks as suspicious . Our course stands alone . Elect not to download our software and our course still works as an interactive online learning experience .
Duration : 90 – 120 minutes
Course level : intermediate
Delivery method : Online
Quantity: 1
Course Cost : RRP $ 185.00 [ 12 DAY COURSE ]
To Try our Secure Automated Products and Service
- Select Checkout with secure PayPAL email .Citations – R Ackoff , I Aleksander , T Buzan , J O Connor & John Seymour , J Gribben , Linda Kregar Silverman PHD , Robert Spence , W Wenger , Thomas G West