
   We learn best when proper sequence is followed see , do, listen and review .   

Active learning is championed by Professor Carl Wieman . The Nobel recently collaborated with sprouts on a short 7 minute animated video about Active learning . As long term sponsors and supporters of sprouts we got a sneak preview and we think active learning is he future . .

“Active learning ” means you participate, collaborate with others, and apply concepts to the real world.

At it ‘s core active learning is a group activity . It requires hard mental effort It leads to higher levels of engagement , better retention and an understanding of the material that can be transferred to other situations. Studies show the long term outcomes are extraordinary .

Sprouts who to date have had over 30 million views believe this may be the most important video they have ever made . We share this view .

In sprouts own words 

To explain how to apply Active Learning in classrooms, we collaborated with Professor Carl Wieman, a Nobel Prize winning physicist, who researches and champions the approach. Prof. Wieman helped us proofread, fact check and write the script — he was an invaluable source of information. It was our greatest honour to be able to work with a mind as bright as his.

  • Step 1 Prime : Flip the classroom set background reading as homework .
  • Step 2 Run a millionaires game by polling the wisdom of the crowd
  • Step 3 – The genius of active learning lies in group discussion after which you recast the vote
  • Step 4 Only now do you explain the correct answer .