Spatial Not Sequential
Our minds are wired for three dimensions , four if you include time . Removing a dimension makes things harder not easier .
- Strong spatial sense , a natural affinity with maps , diagrams and graphs , use where possible to illustrate a point .
- Poor sense of time management and meeting deadlines . Always making last minute Organizational adjustments . Materials should be condensed and deadlines should be brought forward . The faster we move through space the slower time passes . Feedback loops should be embraced as part of any learning process . A series of mini deadlines provides much needed perspective . Framing a problem from the end is just the first step in iterative feedback loop .
- Avoid Highly complex sequential lists like this one -:) Your student/trainee will often be slowed down by highly sequential presentation of material resulting in an overload of working memory and a loss of focus.
- Speed reading is not for everybody . Left Eye dominance . The eyes failure to track in the standard way, may slow reading speeds . Potentially you are going to take in more peripheral information . If you have already scanned the end of a sentence before you consciously reach the end of the sentence . The reverse is true for eastern languages where language is right to left . Due to cross lateralization the left eyes sends information to the right hemisphere . Reading speed has little to do with intelligence so compress material and deepen the talent pool
- Utilize reverse engineering and discovery based simulations . In real life detectives frame a problem by starting at the end and working backwards . See Active learning strategies .